Cooperating with In-Docs, a community of women called Ibu Profesional organise a regular film screening to provide quality entertainment for their family.
Liga Film Keluarga — or, Family Film League — is a film screening activity which is held once a month. The women community of Ibu Profesional, or Professional Mothers, select one documentary film every month to be screened and watched together with other members and their family.
The Family Film League provides a space that allows the community members to share and communicate the values they learn from the film.
“This is the process where our members can learn together. To educate them through film, to change their mindset about film.

Ibu Profesional is a community where the members can learn and build their capacity to maximise their roles as women, mother and housewives. Ibu Septi founded the community in 1995 when she just got married. Aiming to raise her children herself, she decided to leave her fulltime job as a public servant and became a fulltime mother. She later learnt that the role of housewife was still regarded as an unemployed person, making a lot of women were not proud to be a housewife. Since then she decided to upgrade her self capacity to better play her role as a housewife and a mother, and shared the knowledge with other women. Currently she runs a community consisting of 30,000 women with a partner, Dodik Mulyanto.
“I want them to be confident even though they work as a housewife. This will bring a multiplier effect to their children and themselves, so they can be a person with quality and confidence, and then raise a great future generation,” Ibu Septi said.
According to Ibu Septi, a film can transfer knowledge and values to the audiences, therefore it is important to choose only quality films to watch. Through film, audiences can learn about values and characters and transfer the knowledge to other family members.
“We introduce documentary films because they do not know much about it. There will be a forum for discussion, to develop their capacity building by inviting the right people,” said Ibu Septi.
Ibu Septi wants to change the women’s mindset about film; not just watch it, but to also know what happened behind the scenes and during the filming process.
“I don’t want them to not just watch and consume films. Films should bring good values that can bring good effects to family in Indonesia. Therefore it is important to teach them film literacy so those mothers can choose quality film, for themselves and for their family”.