The Silent Blues of the Ocean

Andi F. Azzahra, Arfan Sabran
27 minutes


A traditional fishing village lost their home and access to the sea due to the expending reclamation project on Makassar’s coastline. But now they have to survive in a city, without an ocean that was once both their field and backyard.

Other Details

Production Company
Rumah Ide Makassar


Disappearing Sounds


Best Cinematography
Denpasar Film Festival

Tim film

Andi Azzahra
Andi F. Azzahra
Director, Producer
Andif studied anthropology at Hasanuddin University, Makassar. She is drawn into filmmaking in 2011, and since then she has been attending few national and international filmmaking workshops. She also created short films with production houses in Makassar, before joined a commercial film production house in 2015.
Arfan Sabran
Arfan Sabran
Director, Producer, Cinematographer
Arfan was born in Makassar. Despite his academic degree in Biology, his passion in cinematography had lead him to became a documentary filmmaker. Since 2015 he has made various body of works including: Suster Apung (2006), Paotere: The Fish Market (2009), and Silent Blues of the Ocean (2016) which has been screened widely in Indonesia. Currently he is preparing his feature documentary The Flame which has participated in Docs By The Sea 2018 and Pitching du Reel 2019 in Nyon, Switzerland.
Nick Calpakdjian
Nick Calpakdjian
Nick has been based in Southeast Asia since 2010. Nick has extensive experience as an editor working on films for ABC and SBS in Australia. He has also produced Muslim Tourist for NHK World in 2016 and several documentaries for Channel News Asia in 2017. His produced-short documentary Songbird got nominated as Best Short Documentary at Festival Film Indonesia 2017. Nick has also worked in Timor Leste where he co-produced and edited Beatriz’s War (2013), which was awarded by several festivals.

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